Celebrating 75 years of the NHS

Today 5th July 2023 is the 75th birthday of the NHS – an opportunity to reflect on a service that touches all of our lives and treats over one million people per day.  At Primary Care Careers, our team are proud to be a part of this and we have taken this opportunity to consider why we all joined the NHS.

“I joined the NHS in 2020 out of a desire to ‘help’ and share the expertise and knowledge I’d gained working in the people profession.  Primary care fascinated me, and this is where I saw the most potential to fulfil my desire to make a difference in the NHS.  Three years later having been inspired by the people working in primary care and building an amazing team to support with attraction, recruitment, and retention of the primary care workforce, I’m extremely proud to say that we currently support over 750 GP practices and primary care networks.  Primary care is the front door to the NHS and supports more patients every working day than any other single part of the health system, being part of that inspires me to do more every day.” Sarah I

“I joined the NHS after applying for a 3 month temporary position, and, almost two years later, I am still here and so glad to be part of this enduring institution. I am proud to work alongside diligent and dedicated colleagues to try to improve the efficacy and efficiency of our tiny corner of the NHS, supporting those working on the front line in primary care. Every day I am reminded how lucky we are, in the UK, to have the NHS.” Sophie

“After 15 years in commercial recruitment, I welcomed the opportunity to join the NHS. I developed in frontline administration and management roles working across specialist wards in Norfolk & Suffolk experiencing the challenges seen across the NHS on a daily basis which really gave me an insight into the organisation. Working for Primary Care Careers now made complete sense as it was the perfect combination of my previous career history and enables me to make a real difference in supporting GP practices across the East of England, something I find very fulfilling. The NHS touches everyone’s life, and I’m happy to be a part of that.” Mark

“I joined the NHS on a temporary basis and very quickly decided that this team, and work was what I wanted to be doing, and who I wanted to be doing it with. It has been so interesting working within the NHS, as it feels like a look behind the curtain at an organisation I have taken for granted all my life. For me, healthcare is so important and I’m happy to be working to promote the NHS, and with people who have the same shared goal.” Fiona

“I joined the NHS during in 2020, because on a small personal level, I wanted to feel like I was making a difference. We work hard and it’s challenging but ultimately very rewarding and it’s great to see our team making a difference and adding value.  The NHS is vast and complex, and I am still very much a newcomer, but the passion and determination I had to make a difference when I joined has only increased as we have seen the rewards of our hard work and a huge growth in the uptake of the service we offer.” Sarah B

If you would like to find out more about our small corner of the NHS, please don’t hesitate to get in touch enquiries@eoeprimarycarecareers.nhs.ukPrimary Care Careers is an NHS organisation making primary care a career destination and creating one recruitment solution for primary care.

Reading Time: 3 Mins
5th July 2023